Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Blimp Part Deux

So there's a new blimp in town: The Geraldo at Large blimp. Its dang blue.

The Fox 9 news "mystery" blimp followed a very interesting pattern of flying which always semed to involve motoring at high speeds directly at my window (I did not know a blimp could move like that...damn!) followed by some funky swooping down before resuming the circling of downtown.

So today when the Geraldo blimp showed up, I started to daydream about what a blimp war outside my office window would look like. I envision lots of fun blimp flips and mad dashes up and down the sky with flashes of blue and red before the *BLAMMO* blimp collision. Doesn't that sound much cooler than stupid blimps circling downtown?


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