Saturday, June 11, 2005

Date Night

Last night I took Tom out on a date. We went to Morton's for dinner, followed by a trip to the Uptown theater for opening night of "Howl's Moving Castle."

Morton's was OK for me, given that I don't eat steak. The waiter does a little show that lets you know what's on the menu. I was made very sad by the fact that he had a live lobster on the food cart. :(

I soldiered on through the meal and then dessert arrived: a very warm and scrumptious chocolate cake. Quite nummy...

Howl's Moving Castle was lovely - as usual a visually stunning Miyazaki film with fantastic creatures and machines.

A couple of minor gripes:
I think I had forgotten, but I really dislike the Uptown theater. The seats are uncomfortable, and there was no air conditioning last night. Sticky, humid, and stink are bad attributes for a theater.
Second, the story line was a bit thin in places, but I don't really go to Miyazaki films for the story lines. Sure I'd LIKE a good story line, but we have to put the needs before the wants and in this case a good story line is a want :)

So what did I like about it? About ten minutes in I noticed myself gasping and giggling like a kid at a movie. There is something about films like this that transport you to another time and place. I like being able to suspend my disbelief (not usually an easy thing for me) and live for a couple of hours in a world where castles walk and wizards fly about.

Its really a charming movie and I suggest you brave the Uptown theater to see it.

After the movie, date night came to a close by me dropping off Tom at his truck. As he got out of my car, he smooched me on the cheek and asked if he could take me out sometime. Geez, you agree to marry a guy and he thinks you'll go anywhere with him!! :)


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