Monday, February 20, 2006

Ode to my Valentine

I normally don't gush about my "super man", but today I'm gonna because he really deserves it. :) So if mushy stuff makes you squeamish you can stop reading now...

I married the most amazing guy.
I'm at home today, working around the house and looking at the flowers he gave me for Valenine's Day. I was doing some organizing in the den and came across old diaries I wrote in the first couple of years we were dating and cards we've sent each other over the years. I can honestly say I look at those and realize: I love him even more now than I did then. That's saying a lot because I sure fawned all over him back then! And I know that every day he does something that makes me love him all that much more. A cute little smile, a hug and 'I love you' at just the right time, working on a house project together, going shopping at Menards together, cooking dinner (or not cooking lately - I'm on a big ol' diet!), buying flowers or a gift...every day. That's pretty amazing for me to think about. He warms my heart (and my feet!) and nourishes my soul.

I love you baby!


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