Saturday, January 14, 2006

Crash Boom Bang

Ah, Saturday afternoon. You know those relaxed afternoons where you get to take your time doing stuff? I was having one of those afternoons - we went to drop off some furniture at my sister's house and wanted to do a little shopping.

Toodling along on 94, we headed into the tunnel. Just after the bend we saw a stopped car in our lane. Tom slammed on the brakes and stopped in time, but the person behind us was not so fortunate. Chunks of car went whirling around....

I am usually a pretty calm cookie. But for some reason, I am a complete mess when it comes to car accidents. I'm lucky I married a very level headed guy! He got the car out of the tunnel while I called 911, and we were able to get out of the car and check to make sure everyone was OK. I felt bad for the person behind us, but the state trooper made it pretty clear that it was his fault and his insurance will be covering the repairs. He was a young kid and seemed a little shaken by the whole thing.

The Highlander suffered a pretty significant blow that ripped off one of the side panels, broke the tail lights and broke the bumper. The trooper empathized with us by telling us it really sucks to get your new car smashed up :( No kidding! Thankfully we're both feeling a little sore but are otherwise OK.

Our poor little hybrid.


At 1/18/2006 4:34 PM, Blogger Deeboh said...

I hate car accidents. I am very glad to hear you are both ok. Vehicles can be fixed, broken friends aren't so easy.


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