Sunday, June 12, 2005

Shared Wisdom

When using a staple gun, be sure that you have lined up the "staple exit" end of the gun with your hand. What? What's that? You say it HURTS to staple your hand?

Brilliant! I apparently was not feeling as bright today as I attempted to fix landscape fabric to the inside of a planter.

Fortunately I remained rather calm and gritted my teeth as I dashed to the house. My lovely finance tried very hard not to snicker as I removed the staple from my thumb. And then he brought the H2O2 and a band-aid.

I asked him later if he knew something was wrong when I called him from outside. He said, "I had a feeling you had stapled yourself." Um, what? Am I really that accident prone? Note to self: do not stand close to the edge of a steep incline or run with scissors. Seriously - I've injured myself in the dumbest ways during my life.

I guess I should be more careful!


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