Monday, November 28, 2005

I did it! I did it!

As my poor husband is all too keenly aware, I was recently tasked with building a new framework for my department to read from and write to SQL 2K tables using ASP pages. (I have relentlessly pestered him with scripting questions as I have very little experience with the major scripting languages.) Now, I'm always in favor of a good challenge, but all the past ASP pages I had to work with as templates and guides were written in server side javascript. Ouch.

Server side javascript reference books as rare as a purple elephant (Granted there a plenty written pre-1999, but I am allergic to using reference books more than 5 years old). I made my 3 database connections, opened up my recordsets and found the data I was after, but was having a bit of a challenge figuring out how to loop through one of the recordsets and write a line for each record. Grr. I've written code to loop through recordsets about a million times but I could NOT make this one work!

So after much aggravation, I figured it out and produced my lovely ASP page to query the database and return a list of results. TA DA!! Stupid javascript and its stupid case sensitiveness....

Next up: Creation of stored procedures on SQL to write and update records via ASP. Wish me luck!


At 11/28/2005 10:59 PM, Blogger Deeboh said...

I am so impressed (even though I don't necessarily understand much of what you wrote)

You go girl!

At 11/29/2005 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that!


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