Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Deeply Disturbing

I don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone who knows me that I am deeply disturbed by many things happening in the US these days. I just read an article interviewing a career military man about the rise of Evangelicals in the military. It's a fairly shocking read - right down to the part where his children (3rd generation military) had to take insults to their Jewish faith from higher ranking officers.
The officer being interviewed runs a foundation to oppose religious intimidation in the military. He mentions that 96% (96%!!!!) of the reports regarding religious intimidation the foundation receives are from Christians being told by Evangelicals that they aren't Christian enough (and are going to hell as a result.) The officer talks a bit about history and pulls out a quote that really struck me:

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” - Sinclair Lewis (1930s after visiting Germany)

I often wonder why a religion needs to hang threats (like hell) over the heads of both followers and non-followers. What's the purpose? (I should say 1. I fully understand and acknowledge that not all religions use threats. Some do. I'm just sayin'. 2. I don't understand the concept of eternal damnation. I don't accept that good people who don't follow a certain path are to be punished while positively horrid people who do follow a given path are "redeemed." Makes zero sense to me.) If your faith offers such a wonderful life to people, shouldn't that be enough? I don't understand trying to beat people, in a variety of ways, into believing what you believe. Just accept that some people don't want your version of salvation and get on with it already, wouldjya...

Which is where things are going horribly, horribly wrong in this country. Religion is a powder keg you don't want to mess with, and I'm tired of the controlling agendas pushed into the public realm based purely on the Evangelical picture of a perfect world. Here's a concept: let's try using logic and not faith to govern. A land where decisions are made based on science and research, not ideological whimsy. A place where institutions are not used as weapons against people who think differently. A country where people are treated with respect REGARDLESS of their religious beliefs, orientation, family status, skin color or pretty much anything else for that matter. Novel.

Enough ranting for today. I must go as Christmahanukwanzica is almost here and I am not yet shopped out. :)



At 12/18/2006 2:58 PM, Blogger Deeboh said...

I agree with your sentiment. I too find it disturbing that there are people that are a "little bit more" christian than everyone else.


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