Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I had the unfortunate need to contact my bank today. I hate calling the bank - they're just insanely unhelpful and usually repeat the same line over an over again in response to questions.

In any case, despite noting that I had a no solicitation request on the account, Wells Fargo decided to try and sell me stuff anyway (like a savings account). I was feeling slightly annoyed by the whole thing until the sales guy on the phone directed me to a web page for more information on their checking accounts. As the page loads, I see this:

Being an analyst, I usually read graphs and charts carefully. This is the short bus of graphs. I like the upward trend that basically tells you saving $100 a month for 6 months will get you $600! If you need a graph like this to explain how saving money works, I suggest a bank is possibly not the best institution for you to visit. Ha ha!


At 7/13/2006 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark: I'm going to direct your attention to this blackboard where I've written down "$100." Now everyone's had $100 in their life, but I'm gonna show what a comma and three zeros can do. [adds them] Folks, we've got $100,000 happening.

Bruce: *That's* Money Momentum

Mark: And it's *that* easy. Yeah.


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