Wednesday, March 26, 2008



We've made it to the last leg of the journey - Hawai'i! Our first day in Honolulu was spent exploring Waikiki and watching the sun go down on Waikiki beach. Tomorrow we're off for some sun and to test the underwater camera case snorkeling at Hanauma Bay.

On the way here we caught the Origami Museum in Narita - I was completely awestruck by some of the pieces there. Certainly skill far beyond my meager paper folding ways is at work!

I really hope it is finally starting to warm up in Minnesota - all this sun does not make we want to come home to snow and 40 degree days :)
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Monday, March 17, 2008

My Grandma

We got the sad news this morning that my Grandma passed away surrounded by family. It is difficult to be so far away right now, but I'm sending all my love...

Carol Marie Kulenkamp

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder....

We be travel bloggin'.

We'll try to post as often as possible and share pictures as we go.
(PS Blogger's new slideshow widget is neat-o!)


Friday, March 07, 2008

Tick Tock

Big Ol' Work Project finally went live Monday. Not great, but OK, and it means my work on that is slowing down. Plus I got to kick start Wikis in my office, which is turning out to be pretty damn cool.
Current Motto: In the end, it will all be OK. If it's not OK, then it's NOT the end!

Weekend Projects: PACK, take the birds to Hibbing and see my niece, prep the basement for concrete smashing plumbers, and did I mention PACK...

Up next: One amazing adventure via plane stopping in Japan, Singapore and Hawaii. Ah-mazing.

Life is so good it's ridiculous :)