Saturday, March 17, 2007


Love, love, love Colin Hay. He's going to be in town on May 4th, tickets are relatively cheap, and I might just go see him.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Um, yeeeeeeeeeeah...

I have my own personal Bill Lumbergh.

I have a coworker who calls and leaves me voicemails in exactly that tone, "Um yeeeeeeeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and ask you to do my job for me because I'm being lazy today." OK, the content is totally my interpretation, but I swear the soul killing tone is spot on. It's just painful. Which totally blows because Lumbergh is calling me almost daily right now.

Today he called to ask about reports. REPORTS! I almost referred to a cover sheet for my TPS reports, but caught myself just in time. Lumbergh went on. and on. and on and on and on about reports in the long, monotone drawl for 40 FREAKIN' MINUTES. GAH!

I'm starting to fantasize about kicking down my cube walls and gutting a fish. Seriously.

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Happy Good Times

Today's happy note:
Not a single newspaper in my beloved state carries Ann Coulter's craptacular opinion column. Not One! Minnesota is FABULOUS!

Here is a list of newspapers that do. 5 newspapers have recently dropped her column after she spewed her typical venom at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week.

I've never really understood the appeal. She can't hold her own in an argument and resorts to name calling and bashing of groups as a way to draw attention to herself (NOT her cause - she only appears to be interested in advancing herself and cares very little about what the topic is, so long as it gets a rise out of people). It's too bad she isn't capable of understanding just how nasty she is.

Which is why I'm positively giddy the spotlight is swinging away from her. If we're lucky, her next tirade won't even make front page news. :)
