Oy Vey!
So I went in on July 27th to have minor abdominal surgery, came home for 2 days, and by Saturday ended up in the ER unable to eat or drink. I was admitted to the hospital where I sat with the doctors assuming I had swelling in my stomach from the pain meds for 5 days. During this time I also managed to get pneumonia. On Weds, a test showed that I had an erosion (like a perforated ulcer) in my stomach and off I went again to surgery. I came out with an NG tube which removed everything I comsumed from my stomach. This was followed by a systemic infection that landed me in ICU for 4 days with a racing heart rate, low blood pressure, and a temp of 104.
After MANY procedures, far too much poking and proding, and tubes everywhere I got back to the main floor, where I stayed for 5 more days. I can't begin to express my appreciation to my friends and family who reminded me all along the way that I am loved. My finace really stepped up to the plate, spending time at the hospital every day and taking over wedding planning tasks. I sure do love that guy :)
After I got back to the main floor, Adam V, Dena, Adam and Heather came to visit - that really lifted my spirits! I got home on August 10th and have been working back up to normal activity. Yesterday I managed to be out and about for 7 hours for Amy and Andy's wedding! As sad as it may sound, that was very exciting for me.
I'm going back to work on Monday, and we'll see how that goes. Speaking of which, I work for the most awesome company and people. I have had zero pressure and several coworkers have called to check in on me. My boss, without any prompting, took it upon himself to work out extra time for me to finish my wedding planning. I *love* where I work.
The wedding invitations got out a bit late, but I think I can be forgiven. My mom deserves a medal for coming down after I got out of the hospital and spending two days helping assemble the invitations.
I'm fortunate and thankful to be alive. Had I been anything other than a relatively heathly 30 year old woman with an attentive nursing staff, I may not have been so lucky. I know I scared the bejeezes out of my poor Tom and my parents. I'm sure I could write a decently thick book on my experience but I'd rather not gross everyone out :) I think its sufficient to say that I am a lucky, lucky, lucky woman and I have been reminded not to take anyone or anything for granted...